Staying Ahead Thinking Digital

1 day curated workshop for professionals of Digital World

Change in skill sets implies that companies would need people who can STAY AHEAD of automation and are able to tackle complex scenarios with skills beyond the traditional technical and analytical skills.

THINKING DIGITAL is about developing higher order thinking skills (creative, systems and critical thinking) and becoming customer centric to solve complex problems. Additionally, awareness of digital technologies and data analysis are needed to address future business needs. Most employees will thus need to acquire these additional competencies apart from the skills they already possess.

Apart from the known technical and non-technical skills, people need to acquire and sharpen skills such as creative, critical and systems thinking, strategic thinking, data analysis -that can create business and customer value.

What you will learn:

  • Understand the role of Global Trends, Business Objectives and Customers in decision making.
  • How the rapid evolution in digital technologies is changing the nature of work and why should you care?
  • Learn, share and apply Higher Order thinking skills & Innovation Methods.
  • Understand how Complex Problems are dealt with.
  • Principles of univariate and multivariate data analysis and its applications.


  • Understand the changing nature of jobs in context of business and technology trends.
  • Be better prepared with the principles and methods of high order thinking and data analysis.
  • Improve your understanding of how business relevant innovation opportunities are discovered.
  • Apply workshop learning to work scenarios and personal development needs.

Special Offer:

An online Data Science Aptitude assessment, post workshop (with report) from

The Shifting Landscape Of Skills

We aim to accelerate transformations by unlocking the potential of people

The digital world is disrupting businesses and changing the nature of work for most organizations. Across all levels, the need is growing for new skills, capabilities and mindsets. Ensuring the presence of right talent is crucial to the success of transformation.

Apart from the known technical and non-technical skills, people need to acquire and sharpen skills such as creative, critical and systems thinking, strategic thinking, data analysis -that can create business and customer value.

Our industry agnostic programs are focused on these requirements of the digital era and are classified as shown.

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